Organizations that Advocate for the Polar Regions

There is one to suit you!

The organizations listed below are advocates for the polar regions, or are lobbying to make changes that will have a positive impact on our planet, including the polar regions. They need your support to be effective.

Antarctic Heritage Trust (New Zealand) is one of two similarly-named organizations that protect the historic huts of the Heroic Age of exploration in Antarctica.

Antarctic Heritage Trust (New Zealand)

Antarctic Heritage Trust (United Kingdom) works cooperatively with AHT (NZ) to protect the historic huts of the Heroic Age of Antarctic exploration.

Antarctic Heritage Trust (United Kingdom)

The World Wildlife Fund protects polar bears through its Adopt a Polar Bear program.

World Wildlife Fund

Long line fishing has endangered albatrosses. There are alternative methods of fishing that do less harm, but education is needed for change.

Save the Albatross

Canada’s northern (boreal) forest is home to unique vegetation and wildlife species that are in need of protection.

Nature Canada

Scientist and broadcaster David Suzuki established a foundation to educate and advocate for the natural world.

David Suzuki

Global warming is an issue that affects us all. Join the movement to combat global warming.

Stop Global Warming

By posting a link to an organization, Quark Expeditions does not endorse the entity.